Advance Care Directive session – Joy Nugent


End of life matters – Session

Joy Nugent believes that in order to live a fuller and more meaningful life we need to become more open in our conversations about death and dying. Death anxiety is common and is relieved with understanding, patience, and love.

In these individual or group classes the Advanced Care Directive is explained, and the role of soul – and what is helpful in facilitating a timely release for yourself or others you care about.

Phone 0452 473 610 – or call in for an appointment.
You’re welcome to pay when attending your appointment, or Add to Cart and pay in advance.


Advance Care Directive session

Joy Nugent received training in nursing and midwifery in Australia and Scotland and worked as a nurse in Toronto, Canada, and in London, England, over the course of her career.

She has spent three decades as a private palliative care nurse deeply connected with people who were in the last phase of life. Joy firmly believes that if people get death right, they get life right and that finding soul is the key.

Joy Nugent is the founder of the charity Soul Talks Inc and Hunab Ku Pty Ltd is a business that supports the charity.