Live Well to Die Well


Live Well To Die Well

New book – soon to be formally launched, but available now.

By Joy Nugent

Joy spent three decades as a private palliative care nurse deeply connected with people who were in the last phrase of life. In her writings she has the intention to make end of life a time of celebration for a soul journey.

As a soul there are lessons to learn and contributions to make.

“Spirituality is integral to palliative care, yet widely neglected. In this book, Joy Nugent fuses western and eastern traditions with new age insights to shine a light on spirituality and meaning. Joy infuses hope to enrich our earthly journeys toward their end and perhaps beyond…” Dr Roger Hunt, M.D. pioneer of palliative medicine in South Australia.


Live Well to Die Well

Author: Joy Nugent – Founder of Soul Talks Inc. and Hunab Ku P/L

Available now as a paperback – which can be ordered from this page, or by visiting the Gallery, and as an ebook from Amazon, and in multiple formats from Barnes & Noble.